Tuesday, March 16, 2010


1. Today I went on a few walks, down to Safeway to get some stuff; down to the beach to gaze at Gods beauty, to hear the sound of waves. to imagine the paintbrushes of God .
didnt bring my camera. i tend to leave it behind these days. im sure it will come out again soon so that i might share what my eyes see. today i will leave it to your imagination. the pink from the sunset seemed to dance across the snow laden mountains, the stream of water flowing from the hills melted snow sparkles in the fleeting sunlight, the awful flow of muddy water isnt the only thing coming down from the hilltops, the beastly grazers of all things bush related retreat from the overwhelming flood of snow. day fades to night.

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1g3ENYxg9k

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